Selected Interviews
We are highlighting one of those interviews here!

Creating a Diorama Expressing the Pre-Sortie Hustle and Bustle
Champion of the GBWC 11th TOURNAMENT Japan Final
In addition, this interview also includes a special comment from one of the GBWC judges and Hobby JAPAN editor-in-chief, 木村氏, at the very end. We hope that you give it a read.
Attention to Detail
Your submission won the GBWC 11th TOURNAMENT Japan Finals. Was there anything that you were especially careful to include in this work?
I took particular care with the color combinations and selection of parts so that the best qualities of the base MS ("HG Stark Jegan") weren't lost. I also put effort into the hangar crew, who can be seen throughout the diorama, by color-coding them based on real-life aircraft carrier uniform colors used in the US, such as yellow for the deck crew and grey for the pilot.
Also, I really wanted to have a cockpit with the pilot in it, so I first took a rigid rod, threaded it from the chest to the waist to ensure structural rigidity, and then attached a round pod to it.
Is there anything that you would like people to particularly pay attention to when viewing this work in the GUNDAM METAVERSE?
I would like people to enter the diorama and view it from the same perspective as the crew members. Actually, I also want to do that myself (laughs).
Just like with the Gundam at the GUNDAM FACTORY YOKOHAMA, it would be amazing to admire the Stark Jegan from the perspective of a crew member as well.
Indeed. I would love for people to get a feel for the grand scale of this work and also take pictures next to the cockpit.

Perfecting Spray Paint With a Limited Workspace
The paintwork is exceptionally intricate and clean. Did you use an airbrush?
Actually, the base paint layers were coated using spray paint, and the detailed parts were done using a brush.
Spray paint?! Spray paint may be easier to coat with, but does that not make fine-tuning difficult?
Using an airbrush definitely provides finer control for even coats, so I would like to try it out someday, but I just don't have the setup for it. I'm making do with what I have available at the moment.
Using spray paint for a build of this scale must have been no easy feat.
Indeed. I always have to check the weather forecast (conditions and temperature) when I want to paint. I also do it on the balcony, so it's excruciatingly hot in summer with tons of bugs, and winter is bitterly cold... (laughs). Having said that, making GUNPLA and such has become a part of my daily life, so while it is hard work, I don't really mind.
That is remarkable. I am sure that your work will become an inspiration to all builders who use spray paint.
Thank you! I'm really happy to hear that!
Creating Models
When did you first start building GUNPLA?
My grandfather loved to make things out of wood, to the point where he once built a wooden five-story pagoda, so models were pretty much always around me as I was growing up. Because of that, I often made model planes when I was young.
It was also around this time that MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM SEED was all the rage. Then soon after, I found myself enamored with everything GUNDAM, and before I knew it, I was building GUNPLA.
When did you first start creating mixed builds?
I'm not exactly sure, but it was around when I first saw the Astray Blue Frame Second L, which I thought was just super cool. But there wasn't a GUNPLA kit for it at the time, so I thought of making it myself. That was my first foray into custom mixed builds. Though that was my first and last for a while, as I only focused on making basic assembly builds after that. It was only recently that I decided to get back into seriously making mixed builds.
A Diorama That Makes the Imagination Run Wild
This diorama is clearly inspired by a hangar, but was there anything in particular that you used as a reference?
The "GUNDAM EXIA RⅡ-fetal movement-", created by ウツギ, champion of the GBWC 2018 World Championship. It was such an amazing work of art, and it inspired me to try making something similar.
Did you work on the diorama while building the Stark Jegan?
Actually, I completed building the Stark Jegan first, then worked on the diorama as an addition in order to enter the GBWC. I also had the privilege of receiving advice from 川口名人 at another contest, so I kept that in mind while brushing up the submission for the GBWC.
Working on it after all the painting was done came with its own set of problems, but regardless, I wanted to try putting a pilot in the cockpit. But then I thought it was kind of strange to just have one person in the diorama, so I added more and more people until it became the final version you see now.
Ideas and Inspirations
I see the pedestal is made with cable ties and other various materials. Do you use unusual items like this regularly in your works?
Yes, I do. I use a lot of ordinary household items, as well as stuff I can buy at dollar stores. For example, the cable connecting the model to the base here is actually made from earphone cords.
Are there specific things you like to draw references from?
I take a lot of inspiration from heavy machinery at construction sites and military vehicles of the JSDF (Japan Self-Defense Force). By looking at the real thing, I can get a sense of the texture and layout of the equipment, as well as how things get weathered or damaged with everyday use. In that sense, I tried my best to give it that "it looks clean, but it has history" feel that characterizes JSDF vehicles.
What about your plastic models? Where do you usually get your ideas?
Hmm, let me see... The thing is that I'm always thinking about models, so when I try to force out an idea, I ironically have a hard time coming up with one. For me, I feel like having too many options actually limits the possibilities. So I think I'm better at creating something I've chosen out of a few limited options.
GBWC Memories
Do you have any word of advice for potential GBWC challengers?
Actually, the reason I participated in the GBWC was because I just really wanted the "shield" that they award to finalists. But of course, that's just me, and I'm sure everybody has their own reasons for participating. So I suggest you also find a goal and create something you would be satisfied with.
Also, if you keep on adding to and changing your work right up until the deadline, you'll end up finding something to regret, so I highly recommend submitting early!

Comment From GBWC Judge and Editor-in-Chief of Hobby JAPAN, 木村氏
This work combines parts from all sorts of Universal Century series Mobile Suits, but despite the somewhat busy feel, it has a very good overall balance. Also, the placement of the surrounding figures helps add to the compelling and well-crafted narrative of pre-sortie maintenance hustle and bustle. Bravo!